AMENITIES: The apartment is equipped with a king-sized box-spring bed with fine bedding, two bedside tables, one-floor lamp, a drawer, a large closet, a green velvet chair, modern art, and a working desk with a corresponding working desk chair. All windows are equipped with roller blinds, so it is possible to completely blackout the apartment. Furthermore, there is a separate kitchen with all the necessary cooking equipment and utensils. Last but not least, there is a very exclusive bathroom with a bathtub shower, a washing machine, and a beautiful mirror sink. LOCATION: The apartment is located in a very beautiful and well-maintained old building in the middle of the exclusive Frankfurt district Westend North. Ideal for young professionals, it takes 2 minutes by foot to the Opera Square or to Grüneburgweg metro station. More central is hardly possible. In addition, Westend in Frankfurt not only impresses with its central location but also with its exclusivity. Restaurants and bars are within walking distance. Please note: - Please keep in mind that only the first month's rent is processed via the platform. All further rental payments and additional fees (e.g. cleaning fee, administration fee → check payment details) are processed outside the platform and must be paid by the tenant before the move-in date...
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